Sunday, March 8, 2020

Concepts of HP Laptops

Concepts of HP Laptops Introduction Todays business and leisure activities run smoothly due to the emergency of new and supportive technologies. For example, since the emergency of personal laptop computers, people are able monitor their personal finances from time to time.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Concepts of HP Laptops specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, networking, documentation and online chats keep on asserting new opportunities to lives of many. Numerous companies ranging from Dell to HP are manufacturing laptops for their clients. In order to make sure its laptop industry undergoes a revolution, Hewlett Packard Company has enacted modalities to create a viable market for their laptops. Market Structure for HP laptops Over the recent years, HP laptops are the most sold in the market. The dominance in the market is because of their resilience in price control and upgraded technologies. Information technologists argu e that, HP is able to regulate market economy through its peculiar products. The quality of HP laptops is not a selfish guarantee of aggressiveness in the market, but rather market protectionism and increased sales. In 2008, the number of HP laptops sold was greater by two million as compared to the second placed Dell laptops. The switch from personal computer desktops to laptops is responsible for HP laptop markets structure. The market structure of HP laptops created because of increased shares, continue to outburst the laptop industry. HP laptops furnish both small and large enterprises through dyed-in-the-wool product contours. Moreover, HP laptops dominate markets due to aggressive selling and excellent channel strategies that spout the ever-growing market segmentations. In fact, this explains why the market structure of HP laptops is bursting. (Kerridge, 2009, p.1).Advertising Looking for coursework on engineering? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper wit h 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, competition is high in the market. For other laptop manufacturing companies to increase their sales, they must overshadow HP products must first something that needs a lot of effort and finances. The increased sales from HP products are because of proper branding strategies that helped in achieving market recognition. Increased HP shares are due to higher revenue generated from potential sales. Competitor companies like Dell, Acer and Toshiba are struggling to create brawny and superior illustrations, which will attract customer to buy their products (Display Search 2010, p.1). Possible Strategies of HP Laptop Competitors HP has theme in their business outsourcing strategies and this is being a market leader of computer laptops. If other competitor companies are not up to the task of creating market strength of their laptops, then there is no way out they can create pressure on HP products unless they come up with innovations in the lapto p technology. Competitor companies presently also manufacture same commodities ranging from monitors to laptops something that HP has already done; hence, the need to come up with innovations to meet the ever increasing market competition they face from HP. Other possible strategies from HP laptop competitors include cutting the price of their products between 14 and 20 percent to induce a war price market. Some companies like dell have now embarked on server growth mechanisms, which will act like an entry point into the HP monopolistic market. It is true that HP does not dominate all markets in the world. As a way to bring competition, competitor laptop manufacturers should embark on opening new market places all over the world especially in places where HP products do not dominate the market. On the other hand, it is important to note that, these HP competitors are now engaged in laptop up gradation to give them an upper hand over HP laptops. This has really helped these companies in attracting more customers toward their products.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Concepts of HP Laptops specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion In order to increase their sales through competition, I would like to see HP competitors launch new and featured laptop computers. For example, they can manufacture laptops with inbuilt TV tuner cards and modify the keyboard to a lighting one. Another modality to counter HP laptops is to manufacture laptops that sell at a cheaper price. In addition to that, these companies ought to make numerous advertisements so that their commodities become conversant to customers. This will boost customer loyalty hence sales and greater revenue generation. Reference List Display Search, 2010. HP Maintains 20% Worldwide Notebook PC Market Share in Q1’08; Gains Share on Rivals in 5 of 6 Regions; Mini-Note PC Market Forecast to Grow to More Than 13M Units in 2008. Display Search.  Web. Kerridge, M., 2009. The HP Laptop Industry. Linkvana.  Web.

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